CENTRACHEM AG - Wir arbeiten für unsere Kunden. In der chemischen Industrie, der Kunststoffindustrie und für die Coatings Industrie. Für viele Anwendungen haben wir das richtige Produkt in der richtigen Qualität. - Welches Produkt interessiert Sie?

Organotin Katalyst

Tinstab BL277
Stabiliser classification:
Butyl tin Carboxylates
Tinstab BL277 has been developed specifically as a polycondensation catalyst for polyurethanes and silicones. BL277 will act to initiate the cross linking reaction, it is recommended for use in the production of articles such as shoe soles and 2-component silicone systems (RTV2). BL277 is also effective as a cross-linking agent in polyolefins where it can influence the density and physical properties of PE and PP.
Tinstab OTS16
Stabiliser classification:
Octyl tin mercaptides
Tinstab OTS16 has been developed specifically as a polycondensation catalyst for polyurethanes and silicones. OTS16 will act to initiate the cross linking reaction. It is recommended for use in the production of articles such as shoe soles and 2-component silicone systems (RTV2). The composition of OTS16 has an approval for use in food contact applications.

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